Modelo Chelada 24 fl oz can

Modelo Chelada 24 fl oz can

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A michelada-style beer, Modelo Chelada Especial brings to life the vibrancy of Mexico. Crafted with Modelo beer and the classic flavors of tomato, salt, and lime, this authentic Mexican beer is delicious and well-balanced. Served in ready-to-drink, 24oz single beer cans, this chelada beer with lime has 144 calories per 12oz serving, or 288 calories per 24oz can. A cerveza with refreshing taste and authenticity, this michelada beer embodies the lively Mexican spirit. This Modelo chelada beer offers a fun, invigorating flavor experience, making it a great way to kick-start the evening or the weekend. Drink responsibly. Modelo Chelada® Especial Flavored Beer.